Vivek Sharma, New Delhi, The first round of the quiz which was held on the quiz site from 1st March 2022 to 15th April 2022 saw participation from 6,810 schools from 34 States and Union territories PAN India, which is a huge leap from 2,608 school participation last year 2021. For the second round which was held from 27th April 2022 to 29th April 2022, all states and Union territories were divided into 5 zones and 2 students from each state and Union territory, who qualified for the second round, participated in the zonal round via videoconferencing. There were a total of 67 state and union territory winners who qualified for the zonal round this year. Out of these, only 2 from each zone will be invited to New Delhi to compete in the grand finale, that is to be held on 12th May 2022, at Korean Cultural Centre India located at New Delhi. The flight tickets and accommodations of all 10 finalists and their individual guardians for the final round of event at Delhi will be supported by Korean Cultural Centre India, the host of the event.

When asked about their zonal round experience, one of the state winners Dhanushree Rao from The Scholar's Arena, Rajasthan said “I like the Korean language and find it very interesting, I find the similarity between Indian and Korean words very fascinating”. Another state winner Sneha from Shivalik Public School, Punjab said “Korea itself is an idol country, how they’ve advanced and developed in such a short period of time is something to learn for all. Throughout the preparation period, I learnt a lot about more of these things.” Another state winner Devika S. from NSS HSS Alakode, Kerala said “I first learnt about Korea in 2021 when I participated in the 6th Korea India friendship competition, last year I was able to reach the second round only, so I was much better prepared this time”.
This year the quizmaster for the zonal rounds was Mr. Amitoj Singh, an Indian Media reporter and an IVY league postgraduate who has previously hosted NDTV National safety science quiz in 2018 and has contributed to NDTV, CNN, Al Jazeera, Business Insider, Columbia Global Reports just to name   representative ones.
Upon being asked about his experience of hosting the zonal rounds of the quiz, he said “Hosting the quiz was a striking reminder of the deep friendship between Korea and India. The potential for strong bonds between the two countries is explosive. And half the work seems to have been done by children because they’ve already been gripped by Korean culture. The future looks bright for sure.”
Mr.Hwang Il-yong, director of Korean Cultural Centre India said, “The ‘Korea-India Friendship Quiz Contest’ which started in 2016 and marks its 7th anniversary this year, was held from 1st March 2022 onwards. The curriculum included diverse topics including culture, history, geography, politics and tourist destinations of the friend country, Korea. This year, the event was held in a hybrid format that combines online and offline platforms in terms of presenting a vision for the post-pandemic era. I appreciate all the participants and their family`s supports, and I wish all students to be introduced Korea as their friend country.”

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