2 October 2016,New Delhi. There had been an outbreak of diseases at the Sindhi Hindu Refugee Camp at Majnu ka Tilla, New Delhi. Mr. Vivek Sharma, Managing Director of Centre for Social Development and Research Foundation (CSDR Foundation) intervened for the cause and requested for a team of doctors by approaching Delhi Government’s Directorate of Health and Services.  The government granting his request had arranged for a 3-member team consisting Dr. Kamal Singh and his associates Mr. Gopal Singhal and Mr. Arun kumar. The team of doctors examined residents of this camp ranging from age 10 months to 80 years old. Most of the patients had been complaining of headache, vomiting, high fever, joint pain, and body pain. Approximately 85 patients were provided with medicines during the first visit, and more than 200 patients were attended during five visits of the medical team. Some of the patients who needed special attention were referred to Balak Ram Hospital and Aruna Asaf Ali Hospital. Other non-critical patients were sent to the local Moholla dispensary, an initiative by the Delhi government. The efforts of the team of the doctors had paid as was evident on the second visit in a drastic reduction in the number of patients from more than 80 in the first visit to 53 in the second visit. Centre for Social Development and Research Foundation thanked the Directorate of Health and Services apart from the team of doctors who very diligently examined the patients, And also thanks to the members of the CSDR Foundation Ms.Khyati Gupta, Ms.Arti Sharma, Ms.Gurvinder Kaur, Dr.Rakesh Kumar and Mr.Jag Parvesh. This NGO works among the 120 families living in this camp and sees to various issues ranging from health, education, sanitation and other such related issues that may crop up. Families living in the camp were thankful to the Team of Doctors and Mr. Vivek Sharma for timely intervention.

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