Maharashtra: Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari launched the logo and website of 'The Democracy' news and video portal at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai. His Excellency Bhagat Singh Koshyari said in his address during the launch that no politician in the country is God, but the people are God, when bad times come, good times also come, it should be our effort that we should always try to do good whatever Work should be for the people of the country and should be for the country's interest, contribute in that. Dr Vaidehi Taman, Editor of Afternoon Voice and Democracy, hosted the event. Speaking at the event, Dr. Vaidehi said, “This is an initiative to bring journalism back where it is, the entire news portal is about citizen journalism. It is a platform for the people to raise their voices”. Dr. Vipin Gaur, General Secretary of Newspapers Association of India honored for his Excellent work in the field of journalism. Vipin Gaur has been honored many times in the country and abroad as well.
Vipin Gaur is a young journalist who is a different identity in Indian journalists, Vipin Gaur stepped in journalism in 2001 when he was studying at school, In 2003, Vipin Gaur has completely come into the field of journalism; Along with that, Vipin did a lot of work in Mumbai Filmy Industry as an Model , Actor , Director and dance choreographer. After father’s departure in 2010, Vipin turned back to Delhi and start work with News Paper Association of India. In December 2010, Vipin Gaur was appointed National General Secretary of News Paper Association of India.
Vipin Gaur has organized several programs across the country for the benefit of journalists in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai also in rural and remote areas . Vipin Gaur has done many things in the field of journalism and social service for which Vipin Gaur has received more than 70 national and international awards in India also in Abroad . Some of the works undertaken by Vipin Gaur, such as Body Donation Camp, International Festival of Journalism, Journalist Tribute Day, Kalam ke Sipahi Samman and National honor of the families of the martyrs of India army and India Forces.
The Governor also presented the Pillars of Democracy Awards to former MP and former Vice Chancellor of the University of Mumbai Dr Bhalchandra Mungker, former Minister Dr Deepak Sawant, theatre personality Bharat Dabholkar and Makarand Deshpande, transgender activist Laxmi Tripathi, RTI activist Vivek Velankar, retired bureucrat Mahesh Zagade, Social worker Chitra Wagh, bird right activist Sunish Kunju, Shri Anil Kumar Gaikad and others
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