EIH Ltd is planning to invest over Rs 500 crore to renovate the iconic Oberoi New Delhi, which was closed down on April this year. The dwindling profitability of the 50-year-old property has led the group to make this decision and go for a complete renovation.

The 271-room Oberoi property in the Capital used to post a revenue of around Rs 200 crore and a profit of Rs 90 crore per year, which went down to Rs 65 crore in 2015-16. PRS Oberoi, the chairman of EIH Ltd and The Oberoi Group, said the company is aiming to regain the top slot with the renovated Delhi hotel. "The hotel which opened in 1965 needed extensive work to protect against declining market share and to ensure a future leadership position in national capital region."

The company has witnessed a loss of Rs 12.24 crore in the first quarter of this fiscal from a profit of Rs 21.15 crore during the same period last year. "The loss was largely owing to the closure of New Delhi hotel," he added. EIH Ltd had written off Rs 18.35 crore on the account of Oberoi, New Delhi. However, EIH Ltd has increased its consolidated average room rate by Rs 450 in the first quarter compared to the year-ago period.

Elaborating on the latest position of Golden Jubilee Hotels that owns Trident Hyderabad, EIH CEO and MD Vikram Oberoi said that it has made a provision of Rs 16 crore for the project but has not written off as it is still a live investment.

Later, EIH vice chairman S S Mukherjee said Trident Hyderabad is doing well but Golden Jubilee Hotels, where Oberoi group has 16% stake, has been declared non-performing assets by banks which has a debt of Rs 1,000 crore. Mukherjee added the group even had a plan to set up a hotel under Oberoi brand. EIH sold its Darjeeling property in the year-ago quarter.

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