Vivek Sharma, New Delhi : In a poignant ceremony at the National War Memorial in New Delhi, the nation's State Defense Minister, Shri Ajay Bhatt, led the country in paying heartfelt tribute to the immortal sons of Mother India. These brave souls had made the ultimate sacrifice during the Kargil War, defending the country's pride, honor, and glory.
Amidst the somber ambiance of the War Memorial, Shri Ajay Bhatt, along with numerous dignitaries and citizens, gathered to honor the courageous soldiers who selflessly laid down their lives for the safety and security of the nation. It was a moment to remember and cherish the unwavering commitment shown by these real heroes to protect the sovereignty of India.
During his interaction with the media, Shri Ajay Bhatt expressed the nation's enduring gratitude, emphasizing that the sacrifices made by these gallant warriors can never be forgotten. He highlighted the indomitable spirit and dedication displayed by the martyrs, which continue to inspire generations and instill a deep sense of patriotism among all Indians.
As the sun sets on this solemn day of remembrance, the entire nation stands united in honoring these true heroes for their sacrifice and valor. Their memory will forever remain etched in the hearts of every citizen, serving as a beacon of courage and resilience for the future.
Let us take a moment to reflect and salute our real heroes, who exemplified the epitome of sacrifice and bravery in the service of the nation. May their souls rest in peace, and may their legacy continue to shine as a guiding light for generations to come.
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