Commando 2 starring Vidyut Jammwal comes after four years of its prequel, Commando. The film has collected Rs 4.65 crore, according to a report in Bollywood Hungama. Commando 2 has done better than it’s prequel – Commando that had collected Rs 3.69 crore on its opening day. The film was a solo Bollywood release this weekend that seemed to have benefited Commando 2.

Like the first instalment Commando, its USP is high-octane action sequences by Vidyut. Like other action films including Ghayal Once Again, Force 2 and Rocky Handsome, this film was expected to do decent business on opening day. Here’s how much the first-day collection of recent actioners have been: Ghayal Once Again – Rs 7.2 cr, Force 2 – Rs 6.05 cr, Rocky Handsome – Rs 5.39 cr and Force – Rs 5 cr.

The film is directed by well-known comic actor Deven Bhojani and produced by Vipul Shah. Besides being an action film, Commando 2 also explores issues like demonetisation and black money. The film also stars Esha Gupta, Adah Sharma and Shefali Shah in important roles.Vidyut during an interview with insists that action in Commando 2 is better than the first iteration. Director Deven Bhojani couldn’t agree more.”Vidyut got injured on the third day of the shoot. He got a ligament tear and was hospitalised. We thought of wrapping the shoot but Vidyut said, ‘give me a couple of days and let’s keep continuing shooting,” said Deven.

When asked if he is under pressure to deliver a Rs 100-crore hit, Vidyut said, “I am an actor. It’s a director and producer’s problem. I am hired to do a job and I did it well. Now, if the film doesn’t do well, it’s not in my destiny. But I have done my job well.”

Producer Vipul Shah also spoke about numbers, “There is a public perception and there is the reality. Film business like any other is decided by returns on investment. We are living in perception in India. If we print a big number, then there is a perception that the film is hit. There are many movies that have declared Rs 100-crore business but have actually lost money. Numbers printed on newspapers can be right, but that doesn’t mean movies are profitable. If a film is made at a cost of Rs 120 crore and makes Rs 100 crore, it’s not profitable. On the other hand, if my film collects Rs 80 crore and is made on a budget of Rs 20 crore, then it’s a better hit.”

When asked if footfalls are falling in theatres and movies are not making money, Vipul said, “If you make a bad movie, you can’t expect people to watch them. Dangal has recently broken all the record. It released in the last month of demonetisation when people were struggling for cash, still, Dangal went ahead and made Rs 400. How is it possible if people are not interested in watching movies? We must make better films, people will come. People want to watch films.”

Asked if Vidyut considers Tiger Shroff as a competition, the actor said, “My competition is with a divine sun. It’s been 30 years since the time I have been competing with it. I wake up before the sun rises. If you are competing with the divine, you don’t worry about others. I have no competition and I don’t believe that I am competition to anybody.”

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